Also, I'm a guest at Reader's Entertainment where my messy office space is being highlighted in their "At the Desk" feature. It was fun to share a bunch of pictures of my work area and be reminded that writing is, indeed, an exercise in chaos!! (At least at my house. ;)
For those of you who are writers, what is your workspace like?? Where do you do your best writing? Do you edit in the same location as you do your drafting, or do you have a different spot for each? For everyone, what's your favorite place at home to read?
Love this! As for writing, my best seems to be done in my office, music (probably JBJ) blaring, just having fun. Edits are totally different, I find a quiet spot, usually in front of an open window and seem to be more pensive. Raising a family, I can read anywhere, necessity being the mother of invention and all. But my favorite place is my old comfy chair with The Phantom (that's my dog for those of you who don't follow me on FB, not my husband ;) by my feet.
I do most of my writing and my editing in my office. Which is messier than yours. One big goal this year is to be organized. Wish me luck!
Just for the record, books don't count as clutter! :-)
I don't really have a workspace. The only thing consistent about where I write is my laptop. Otherwise I'll write in bed, on one of the various comfy chairs in our house, at a coffee shop, at the library...wherever! And same for editing. Mixing it up helps keep me fresh. Reading, though? In bed or wherever I'm eating.
Jill, I wish, wish, wish I could write productively with music playing. I can't do it, though, because if I like the song at all, I want to sing along... And can I just tell you how much I LOVE that you named your dog The Phantom?!!
Edie, LUCK!!!! BTW, I *cleaned up* my office for those pictures!! I think I can give you a run for your money on the most disorganized office space...LOL.
Caryn, I love the way you think! (Books should not = clutter!!) I envy your ability to work in so many different locations. Every once in a while I can write out in public (like at a coffee shop), as long as I don't know anyone there. But most of the time, I really need silence and the familiarity of all of my writing notes around me :).
Hi Marilyn! For me, I write best at my desk in my office. I can look out my window and see the tree tops, have everything I need within reach, and it's quiet. I love to meet friends and write in coffee shops too, though. But we end up talking more than writing. As for reading, I can do that *anywhere*.
Robin, I can read almost anywhere, too, especially when I'm really into a book. I'm reading one of those super compelling stories right now :).
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