The conference is almost here (!!!!) and I'm headed to Orlando, Florida to explore a few DisneyWorld sites with friends prior to the RWA chaos beginning. CAN'T WAIT!
I've always wanted to see Epcot and the different "nations" represented there. (Full disclosure: I've always wanted an excuse to eat the various food specialties from around the world that they have available there!) So, I'm looking forward to finally visiting that park, to going to fabulous conference workshops/events and to seeing some of the awesome RWA friends I've had the pleasure of meeting in person and online over the past eight years. I wish everyone I know could be there, too...
For anyone who happens to be at the conference or, more specifically, at the Literacy Signing on Wednesday the 28th (Swan & Dolphin Resort, 5:30-7:30pm), PLEASE stop by to say hello!! No book purchases are required, but I'd love to get to chat with you for a few minutes in person!
I'm currently in a flurry of packing a prep, but I promise to come back with stories and photos... Until then, I tip my hat--er, ears--to you and wish you all a wonderful week ;).
Oooh! I *really* mean it when I say I wish I was there!!!
Have a great conference and enjoy Disney!
Have a great time Marilyn! I'll miss you and all my chapermates who'll be at conference, but I'm looking forward to purchasing the CD.
We'll need a full report on your "foods of the world" tour when you return. *hug*
Can't wait to see you!!! Have a wonderful time at Epcot! I'm headed there too and cannot wait! It's my first time. :)
Have fun!
Whee for fun! See you soon!!! (And Pamala--next year in NYC, okay?)
Hope you have a great time at Disney and the conference. I will be looking forard to the pictures and stories.
The deserts at the French country are ooohhhhh so delectiable.
If you get a chance stay for the fireworks at EPCOT - very memorable.
Good Luck with you nominations. I will be thinking of you.
Have a great time in Orlando and at Disney, Marilyn!
I'll be looking forward to a recap of your gastronomic journey, because I'm, like, really into nations (and food!!) hehehe
Have a blast!!
You are going to have such a fab time!!! Take lots of pics, okay? Safe travels!
Judy, Pamala, Robin, Tonya, Pamela, Erika, Brett and Susan~ Hi!!!!! I'm baaackk!! Thank you ALL so much for your messages! I'm still trying to unpack and (sort of) get my stuff reorganized. Had a few computer issues while I was away, but everything is fine now. Disney was SUCH fun... I'll be figuring out pictures and blog posts in the next couple of days and am looking forward to sharing them with you :). Hope everyone had a wonderful week, too. (p.s. SO awesome to see Robin and Pamela again in person!!)
Sounds like fun!
How did it go? Hope you had a great time and signed TONS of books at the book signing!
Brittany, it WAS fun!! Still trying to catch up, though... I need little elves to help me here at home--LOL. ;)
Caryn, I wish you could have been in Orlando this year! Maybe next summer in NY?! As for the book signing--it was really and truly a great time. I had the chance to talk to so many nice people and I was fortunate to get to sign a lot of books, too!!
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