By the way, this is a fun thing, too! Here is the video link to the segment Susan did on "Great Day St. Louis"--LOVE those animal prints! (Pamela Cayne does too, as I recall--hee!) And to the left is a photo from Susan's book launch/Komen fundraiser. Looks like an awesome turn out.
Susan, it was wonderful to have you here this week and, to all who stop by, may you have a fabulous weekend. Blogger tells me this is my 200th post, so I need to find something goofy to do this weekend to celebrate. String a necklace with 200 Cherrios? Nibble on 200 M&Ms? Jump on a mini trampoline 200 times? Something, perhaps, other than what a kindergartener might choose to do to commemorate the occasion?! Please feel free to share your suggestions!
p.s. It's no coincidence that I'm posting this on a Friday Morning at Nine--LOL! This may just be my favorite day and time to do all of my giveaways this year...
WOOHOO!! Winna Winna chicken dinner!!!! I love winning stuff, especially books. Thank you Marilyn and Susan.
Happy Friday!
Congrats to the winners!
Looks like Susan had a great book launch!
You can't go wrong with 200 M&Ms. But just think when you get to the 1000th post, you'd have to eat 1000 M&Ms. You can't break tradition. LOL
Pamala--congrats!!! I know you'll love this book ;).
Edie--I *love* the way you think! I am definitely leaning toward those M&Ms now...
Hope you two have an absolutely wonderful weekend!!
Congrats, Pamala! What a great way to start a weekend!
And not to be a copycat, but I'm with Edie. Number of posts = number of M&Ms. Absolutely!
You should totally do some kind of blog giveway or something special every Friday at nine. It would be a great promo leading into your next book!
Marilyn, thanks for doing a Q&A with me and for handling the give-away! I wish I could send books to everyone who commented! Hope you enjoy The Cougar Club, Pamala...congrats! And I'm for the 200 M&Ms, too! Reminds me of the M&M diet I tried in college for a week (oy, don't ask!). :-)
Pamela~I'm *so* on board with the M&M thing! Blogging for it's own sake is fun, but if there's chocolate as a reward for every 100 posts, well...
Maria~thanks! I'm really liking the idea, too!!
Susan~an M&M diet??!! You have my attention, ma'am! Please tell all :).
I don’t know what goofy thing to do times 200 but I know what I would want to do.
Try out all your festive outfits and put on that which you got loved but didn’t dare wear before.
Pick up a friend or three that you haven’t seen in a while but love.
Laugh and tell each other stories in the car. Catch up on the good stuff.
Forget responsibility for a night and leave your worries. Difficult but freeing.
Drink two of your favorite drinks. Take pictures so you can remember the good times later on.
Go to a new restaurant and take the best meal you had in a long time. Get some ice cream or cake for desert. It is definitely time to celebrate!
Okay, my very stupid M&M diet in college was to just eat a 1 pound bag of M&Ms a day and nothing else. By Day Five, I almost passed out. Not very smart of me, eh? Nor was the Ruffles Potato Chip Diet, which entailed eating a huge bag of Ruffles and nothing else all day. (Do not try this at home, anyone!) Thank goodness, I finally discovered vegetables and healthy eating! Or I might've turned into a giant M&M or Ruffles Chip. Ah, foolish youth!
Silvia~You are SO creative and cool!! I *love* your ideas...especially the ones about leaving worries behind for a night or taking pictures to remember the good times later. You're so wise. I think we rarely take time to truly enjoy good things. I promise to remember to do more of that, and I know I'll be thinking of you when I do :).
Susan~You are a seriously wild woman!! Even I would be pretty wobbly after 5 straight days of eating only M&Ms, and I've been known to live on chocolate! You are one brave and adventurous chica, and so full of fun. Glad you eventually discovered veggies, though ;-).
Hope you had a great weekend. I vote for nibbling on 200 M&M's. cheers~
This cover is beauuuutiful. Makes me want to curl up in a blanket right now and forget how cold it is outside. Loved the interview :) Sounds like a great read.
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